Birth Control for Beginners: 5 Things to Know Before You Start the Pill

A pack of birth control pills ready to be taken for the first time.

The birth control pill is one of the greatest innovations in women’s health. By providing safe, effective, and convenient protection against unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, the pill has given women more control over their own sex lives and reproductive health. Knowing what to expect when you start using the birth control pill is the best way to… Read more »

4 Habits That Are Harming Your Vagina

Young woman holds paper with sad smile and question mark above crotch

Face it. Vaginas are high maintenance. From the monthly bleeding to the regular discharge, they are very particular reproductive organs. It doesn’t take a lot to throw them out of whack, and it can be difficult to figure out the root cause of their unhappiness. Believe it or not, there are a lot of common… Read more »

5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Your Abortion

Patient discussing with doctor about her upcoming abortion procedure

Choosing to terminate a pregnancy is a hard but sometimes a necessary decision. For many women, determining the next step after becoming pregnant unexpectedly is a complicated process that takes a mental, emotional, and physical toll on the body and soul. Even once you’ve decided that abortion is right for your situation, it’s normal to… Read more »

How Does Birth Control Affect Your Period?

Menstrual tampons on menstruation period calendar with blue alarm clock and white flowers. Waiting for period to come on birth control.

Most women will use some form of birth control during their lifetime. Many types of birth control use progestin and estrogen hormones to prevent ovulation and implantation. These hormones affect the uterine lining and can lead to some spotting in-between periods, but overall, they reduce your menstrual bleeding. Periods can be longer, shorter, heavier, or lighter,… Read more »

The Truth About STDs: Myth vs. Fact

“Get an STD Test!” written in magic marker on a white board to encourage STD testing.

When you hear the acronyms STD and STI, a small shiver might run down the back of your spine, or perhaps, your heart drops into your stomach and sends your mind into utter panic. We get so uncomfortable talking about sexually transmitted diseases and infections because there is a lot of stigma and misinformation around… Read more »

What to Expect When You Stop Taking the Pill

Discarded hormonal birth control packs next to a stethoscope after a patient decides to get off the pill.

The long history of the contraceptive pill has been a revolutionary journey in female sexual health. Women fought for their reproductive rights, and unfortunately, new generations of women are still fighting for those same rights in 2022. The pill has many benefits, and there are various personal reasons why women choose to take it but… Read more »

5 Myths About Abortion

The words Myth vs Reality, circled with red pencil on textured paper

Although modern medicine has come a long way throughout the past few decades, there are still dangerous myths about women’s health that can lead to misinformed and risky decisions. Information on abortion can be biased and inaccurate due to the nature of the topic. There are many conflicting and questionable pieces of information regarding abortion… Read more »

The Ripple Effects of the New Texas Abortion Law

Abortion Services in Western NY

On September 1st, 2021, a new abortion law went into effect in Texas. The legislation bans women from getting abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can be detected. While these “heartbeat bills” have been introduced in other states, they have faced legal challenges that have so far prevented them from becoming… Read more »

The Top Safe Sex Habits for Women

Women's Health Services in Rochester, NY

Sex is a natural need and desire for a large majority of people. For many women, sex is a wonderful and fulfilling part of life. Your sexual experiences should always be positive and enjoyable. An important aspect of having a positive and healthy sex life is minimizing the potential risks that go along with engaging… Read more »

5 Self-Care Basics Every Woman Should Practice

Women's Healthcare Provider in Rochester, NY

Self-care is something that has become a trend over the years when really it should be a normal, integral part of daily life. Women are especially more likely to neglect taking care of themselves, as many so naturally assume the role of caretaker for others. But taking care of your own needs and carving out… Read more »