Posts Categorized: Birth Control

5 Causes of Birth Control Pill Failure to Be Aware Of

When used perfectly, the birth control pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Even the typical success rate, factoring in women who don’t always use it flawlessly, is 91%. That’s an average of only 9 in 100 women who get pregnant each year while using the pill. Especially considering how convenient and safe birth control pills are, those are… Read more »

5 Myths About Condoms Debunked

When you become sexually active, whether for the first time ever or the first time with a new partner, it’s important to talk about contraception. After the birth control pill, male condoms are one of the most commonly used (and easily accessed) contraceptive methods. You can buy condoms at any drugstore or even get them… Read more »

How Do Birth Control Pills Work?

Birth control pills have a long history and are one of the most popular forms of contraception today. They are safe, reliable, and an easy way to prevent pregnancy and help with other issues women suffer from, like acne or heavy periods. So, how do these tiny magical pills manage to impact our bodies so… Read more »

Long-Term Options for Birth Control

Choosing the right birth control for you is an important decision. With the wide range of options for women today, it is best to schedule an appointment with a certified OB/GYN to answer your questions. Before attending your appointment, take some time to explore the different birth control options available to prepare for your discussion with… Read more »

Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Birth Control  

Whether it’s your first-time starting birth control or you want to switch to a different form, having a thorough discussion with your doctor is always recommended before making any decisions.  There are several birth control options, so it’s important to research before your appointment and get a general idea of what you want or think would be best… Read more »

Side Effects of Starting the Birth Control Pill

The pill is a type of birth control. It works by preventing the body from producing an egg, which means that there is nothing for sperm to fertilize, and pregnancy cannot occur. Like all medicines, birth control pills have possible side effects that you need to be aware of. There are minor side effects and rare… Read more »

Fertility Awareness: The Natural Birth Control Option

Natural methods of birth control, or natural family planning, are a type of birth control that relies on observations about the woman’s body and menstrual cycle. Natural methods of birth control include fertility awareness methods (FAM). Examples of natural birth control methods include the calendar rhythm method, basal body temperature method, and cervical mucus examination. How Does the Fertility Awareness Method Work?… Read more »

7 Health Benefits of Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal birth control is one of the most effective and convenient methods available for women who want to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The pill is the most common and popular form of hormonal birth control, but there are a few other contraceptive options that use hormones for pregnancy prevention, including certain IUDs, implants, and the patch…. Read more »

Birth Control for Beginners: 5 Things to Know Before You Start the Pill

The birth control pill is one of the greatest innovations in women’s health. By providing safe, effective, and convenient protection against unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, the pill has given women more control over their own sex lives and reproductive health. Knowing what to expect when you start using the birth control pill is the best way to… Read more »