Posts By: south ave

How to Tell Your Partner You Have an STD

Did you know that one in two sexually active individuals will get an STI by the age of 25? This fact is not intended to scare you but to normalize discussion around STDs and end the stigma for those living with them. STI awareness week falls on the second full week of April and provides an… Read more »

Choosing an Abortion Clinic: How to Find a Safe Provider

Finding out you are unexpectedly pregnant can be a freighting experience. Determining that abortion is right for your situation can be equally difficult. Through this stressful and emotional journey, you will need the support of medical professionals you can trust. All abortion clinics are different, depending on where you live and how they operate. Choosing one… Read more »

How Do Birth Control Pills Work?

Birth control pills have a long history and are one of the most popular forms of contraception today. They are safe, reliable, and an easy way to prevent pregnancy and help with other issues women suffer from, like acne or heavy periods. So, how do these tiny magical pills manage to impact our bodies so… Read more »

How to Support Someone Having an Abortion

When someone decides to terminate a pregnancy, they can face a lot of judgment and guilt from society and even people close to them. It can be an isolating experience that reveals who your true supporters and loved ones really are. Discussing abortion with your partner can be difficult if you choose to do so, and explaining… Read more »

Long-Term Options for Birth Control

Choosing the right birth control for you is an important decision. With the wide range of options for women today, it is best to schedule an appointment with a certified OB/GYN to answer your questions. Before attending your appointment, take some time to explore the different birth control options available to prepare for your discussion with… Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions Every Woman Should Make  

Every year there’s a pressure to magically turn into an incredible new version of ourselves as soon as the clock strikes twelve on January 1st. The gyms are packed, the juicers are flying off the shelves, the manifestation journals are making their way onto everyone’s nightstands, and we are back to our old routines and… Read more »

The Top Signs You Are Not Ready to Have a Baby

Am I ready to have a baby? An important question we must ask ourselves as women throughout our lives time and time again. Whether you are thinking about having your first child or already have a few running about your home, it’s important to check in with yourself before making a decision. Giving yourself time to… Read more »

5 Reasons You May Not Be Ovulating

 If you’re someone who regularly tracks their menstrual cycle (which hopefully you are), you know the signs and symptoms of ovulation: These telling signs let you know that your body is ready for fertilization. If you usually experience these common ovulation symptoms every month and have been missing them, you might not be ovulating as you are… Read more »

What Is an Incomplete Abortion?

The decision to go through with an abortion is a difficult and emotional experience. The last thing you want to worry about is possible complications from such a heart-wrenching procedure, but it’s important to know and understand the risks. An incomplete abortion means a woman’s pregnancy has ended, but her body has not fully expelled… Read more »