Posts Tagged: Endometriosis

Understanding Endometriosis

Unless you or someone you know has endometriosis, it’s likely a condition you’ve heard of but don’t know much about. The sad truth is that a lot of the symptoms of endometriosis—namely, pain associated with menstruation—have become normalized. Women expect their period to cause pain and are therefore unlikely to speak up or even realize… Read more »

Treatment Options for Endometriosis

With March being Endometriosis awareness month, it is important to have a proper understanding of the disease. Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system. It happens when the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, causing pain, irregular bleeding, and sometimes infertility. One in ten women of childbearing age have this disease, but it… Read more »

Debunking Common Myths About Endometriosis for Endometriosis Awareness Month

There are a lot of misconceptions about women’s health and, more specifically, women’s pain, that exist in society and even the medical field. One condition that has long been shrouded in mystery is endometriosis. In fact, there is so much misinformation out there about this disease that there’s an entire month—March—dedicated to raising awareness and… Read more »

Study Finds Botox Injections May Relieve Endometriosis Pain

If you’re one of the 176 million women worldwide who suffer from endometriosis, here’s some good news: a new study conducted by scientists at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) suggests that Botox injections may relieve endometriosis pain. The study found that Botox, best known as an anti-wrinkle treatment, can alleviate symptoms… Read more »

Don’t Ignore These Common Signs of Endometriosis

Despite the fact that it affects roughly one in ten women of reproductive age, many women spend years suffering from the symptoms of endometriosis before receiving a diagnosis. In some cases, this is because they attribute the intense cramping associated with this disorder to normal menstrual pain. In others, their doctors may fail to conduct… Read more »

Free App Helps Women Screen for Reproductive Health Issues

Here at South Avenue Women’s Services, we’re dedicated to ensuring that the women in the Rochester area receive the healthcare they need and deserve. Today, we’d like to tell you about a new app called Flutter which can help women perform a self-screening for a serious disease called endometriosis, and seek proper treatment. Endometriosis is… Read more »