Posts Categorized: Birth Control

How Does Birth Control Affect Your Period?

Most women will use some form of birth control during their lifetime. Many types of birth control use progestin and estrogen hormones to prevent ovulation and implantation. These hormones affect the uterine lining and can lead to some spotting in-between periods, but overall, they reduce your menstrual bleeding. Periods can be longer, shorter, heavier, or lighter,… Read more »

What to Expect When You Stop Taking the Pill

The long history of the contraceptive pill has been a revolutionary journey in female sexual health. Women fought for their reproductive rights, and unfortunately, new generations of women are still fighting for those same rights in 2022. The pill has many benefits, and there are various personal reasons why women choose to take it but… Read more »

Comparing Combination and Progestin-Only Birth Control Pills

For women seeking contraception, there are a lot of options on the market these days. For those who wish to avoid hormones, there are products like condoms, diaphragms, gels, spermicides, and copper IUDs. If you’d prefer to go the hormonal route, you have pills, shots, patches, hormonal IUDs, rings, and implants. Even among each option,… Read more »

4 Tricks to Help You Remember to Take Your Birth Control Pill

For decades now, the birth control pill has been the most popular form of contraception among women. The pill is a great option for many reasons: it’s convenient, affordable, offers additional health benefits, and is 99% effective when used correctly. The key though is that last part—using it correctly. In order to provide full protection… Read more »

Which Type of IUD Is Right for Me?

An IUD (intrauterine device) is one of the best long-term birth control options out there for women. They’re highly effective at preventing pregnancy (>99%). They are safe to use for many years, which saves you money too. Since you don’t have to worry about taking a daily pill or having a form of contraception on… Read more »

What to Do If a Condom Breaks

There’s no feeling quite like the panic of getting done having sex with your partner and realizing the condom broke. Suddenly, the protection you thought you had from an unwanted pregnancy or STI is gone. Now, you’re left feeling vulnerable, anxious, and helpless to prevent the possibilities of what may happen next. But do you… Read more »

What to Expect When You Get An IUD

The IUD, or intrauterine device, is a small, flexible, T-shaped device inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are one of the most effective long-term birth control methods available, and have also become one of the most popular in recent years. Women who choose the IUD as a contraceptive solution enjoy many advantages,… Read more »

Margaret Sanger and The History of The Birth Control Pill

From prehistoric condoms made of animal intestines to vulcanized rubber diaphragms, contraception has come a long way in the United States. Birth control today is as easy as getting a single implant that remains effective for years. With all the modern advances in pregnancy prevention, the birth control pill has continued to be one of… Read more »