Posts By: south ave

What Is the Difference Between PMS and PMDD?

There are a lot of things a woman should know about her menstrual cycle. One of the very first things you realize soon after you get your first period in adolescence? Just how annoying the whole process is. An average period lasts anywhere between two and seven days. But a large majority of women will… Read more »

State by State Abortion Restrictions

Abortion has been a touchy subject throughout much of the world for centuries. But although there have always been times and places where the procedure is illegal, it hasn’t stopped women from terminating unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. If history has taught us anything about abortion restrictions, it is that they do not stop women from… Read more »

STIs in America: Get the Facts

Our knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and infections has expanded exponentially over the last few decades. Advances in research and technology have helped us make strides in better understanding, preventing, and treating a wide range of the surprisingly common viruses and infections in this category. Thanks to increased availability in reliable STD and STI testing… Read more »

Let’s Talk About Vaginal Itching

Vaginal itching—no woman likes to talk about it and, even more so, no woman likes to experience it. The uncomfortable sensation can range from mild and brief to severe and persistent. Despite any conclusions you may jump to though, it is usually not cause for major concern. In fact, almost every woman will experience vaginal… Read more »

The Do’s and Don’ts of Feminine Hygiene

We all learn the rules of basic hygiene while growing up: wash your hands after using the bathroom, put on deodorant every morning, wear a fresh pair of underwear every day, and so on and so forth. On top of these normal cleanliness practices, women also need to learn the specifics of feminine hygiene as… Read more »

What’s the Deal with Menstrual Cups?

For a long time, the only choices most women have known when it comes to menstrual products have been pads and tampons. Over the past few years, however, other alternative options have emerged more prominently and become more widely used. One of the most popular of these alternatives is the menstrual cup. Although many women… Read more »

An FAQ On Ovarian Cysts

Most women have heard of or know someone who has experience with ovarian cysts. They’re usually associated with pain or other reproductive issues, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome, which clouds them in a lot of misunderstanding. The truth is, ovarian cysts are very common and more often than not, undetectable and harmless! What… Read more »

Why You Should Be Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle

For a lot of women, the monthly cramps, fatigue, mood changes, and other disruptions associated with menstruation is a reality they’ve been used to since adolescence. If your period is largely regular and manageable, you probably don’t think twice about it until the cramping and spotting remind you that it’s once again that inconvenient time… Read more »

Your Women’s Wellness Care Checklist

Taking the proper measures to protect your health and wellness is an essential ongoing aspect of living a long, quality life. The specifics of what caring for your health entails will depend on a lot of factors, including your age, family history, preexisting conditions, gender, and lifestyle. As a clinic dedicated to providing expert, compassionate… Read more »