STIs in America: Get the Facts

STD/STI Testing in Rochester, NY

Our knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and infections has expanded exponentially over the last few decades. Advances in research and technology have helped us make strides in better understanding, preventing, and treating a wide range of the surprisingly common viruses and infections in this category. Thanks to increased availability in reliable STD and STI testing and information, prevention methods, early detection, and treatment are more accessible than ever.

Unfortunately though, despite this widespread availability of resources in the modern era, there are still a lot of misconceptions and stigmas that surround STDs, STIs, and the people who have them. For the sake of your sexual and reproductive health, it’s important to ensure you know fact from fiction.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of everything you should know about STDs and STIs in the convenient infographic below—check it out!

STD/STI Testing in Rochester, NY