State by State Abortion Restrictions

Abortion Clinic in Rochester, NY

Abortion has been a touchy subject throughout much of the world for centuries. But although there have always been times and places where the procedure is illegal, it hasn’t stopped women from terminating unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. If history has taught us anything about abortion restrictions, it is that they do not stop women from getting abortions, but prevent them from receiving safe abortions.

Even in the United States today, abortion law is confusing and muddled with misinformation. Different states have different restrictions, requirements, and processes for women seeking pregnancy termination. These regulations are largely determined by political and/or religious motives that should have no standing on a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body.

Unfortunately, since a woman’s right to abortion continues to be a long and winding road in some parts of the U.S. and much easier in others, many women may be unsure of how to move forward with pregnancy termination.

If you have questions about abortion bans and restrictions in different U.S. states, take a look at this infographic to learn more about which ones have and have not been successful.

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