Posts By: south ave

Types of Birth Control [Infographic]

When it comes to choosing a form of birth control, there are many different types to consider and a multitude of factors that will affect the decision you make. From prescription options like oral contraceptives, patches and IUDs to over-the-counter options like condoms and contraceptive sponges, the choice can seem a bit overwhelming. Depending on… Read more »

Experts Recommend Expanding Women’s Healthcare Coverage

In 2012 the Institute of Medicine (IoM) – now known as the National Academy of Medicine – compiled a list of eight recommended preventative healthcare services that insurance providers should provide for women without requiring them to pay money out of pocket. These services included routine STD screenings, breastfeeding support and supplies, FDA-approved methods of… Read more »

United Nations Urges Countries to Repeal Anti-Abortion Laws

Here in the United States, we’re fortunate that a woman’s right to an abortion has been protected by the Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade for over four decades. In other countries like Poland and Northern Ireland, however, women can still face stiff prison sentences for seeking abortions. As a result, women in these… Read more »

Progesterone Could Help Relieve Effects of Influenza

The fall is the beginning of the flu season, and for many people, the flu may not seem like an immediate threat. But this highly-contagious virus can make even the strongest of us sick for many days, and cause even more serious complications for the young and the elderly, not to mention people with compromised… Read more »

Birth Control Use Linked to Drop in Ovarian Cancer Deaths

There’s plenty of conflicting information out there today about birth control, and not all of it is advice worth listening to. Amid all of these confusing stories and myths, though, comes an interesting and well-documented study that links oral contraceptive use to a drop in the number of deaths caused by ovarian cancer. According to… Read more »

Pregnancy-Related Deaths Spike in Texas After Funding Cuts

In 2011, the Texas State Legislature voted to cut funding for family planning clinics by 66 percent statewide. Following the budget cuts, 82 family planning clinics were forced to close. Then, in January 2013, Texas eliminated Planned Parenthood from their Medicaid program. At the time, many public health officials raised concerns that the budget cuts… Read more »

Free App Helps Women Screen for Reproductive Health Issues

Here at South Avenue Women’s Services, we’re dedicated to ensuring that the women in the Rochester area receive the healthcare they need and deserve. Today, we’d like to tell you about a new app called Flutter which can help women perform a self-screening for a serious disease called endometriosis, and seek proper treatment. Endometriosis is… Read more »

Democrats Move to Repeal the Hyde Amendment

A law that once had widespread bipartisan support in Congress is now being challenged by some Democrats, including presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. It’s called the Hyde Amendment, and it prohibits federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape or incest, and cases where a woman’s life is in danger. The Hyde Amendment is a… Read more »