4 Common Reasons (Besides Pregnancy) Your Period Could Be Late

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It’s common for a woman’s period to be late at some point in her life. Some women have unpredictable cycles and are used to this, while others may have regular cycles and panic when their period doesn’t arrive on time.

Although it is often the first assumption (or fear), a late period doesn’t always mean you’re pregnant. There are plenty of reasons your period could be delayed that are no cause for concern just yet.

1) Stress

Perhaps the most common cause of a late period, other than pregnancy, is high levels of stress. When you’re overly stressed, the production of estrogen and progesterone in your hypothalamus can be affected, throwing off your entire reproductive hormone balance. This may cause delayed, irregular, or abnormally heavy periods.

2) Birth Control

Certain birth control methods, such as an IUD, birth control shot, or low-estrogen pill, will decrease the frequency of your period or sometimes even eliminate it altogether. In fact, this is one of the reasons many women choose these contraceptive methods in the first place. Also, if you missed a pill or recently stopped or switched birth control, your hormone levels may need some time to readjust.

3) Weight Changes

Extreme fluctuations in weight—sudden and significant loss or gain—can affect your hormonal balance and delay your period. If you lose a lot of weight quickly, your estrogen levels could drop suddenly and throw off your cycle. Similarly, if you gain an excessive amount of weight quickly, the hypothalamus may produce excessive estrogen in response, also interfering with your normal cycle.

4) Underlying Health Conditions

Sometimes, a late period may be a symptom of an underlying health issue that is somehow impacting your hormone production or menstrual cycle. Reproductive conditions like PCOS or endometriosis can be to blame. Or, it can be an entirely different bodily system experiencing a problem, such as diabetes, liver dysfunction, or thyroid disease. Even acute illnesses like the common cold, flu, or meningitis can make your period late. If you’re experiencing other symptoms with your late period, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

While a late period doesn’t always indicate a problem, an appointment with a women’s healthcare specialist can help ease your mind if you can’t stop worrying. At South Avenue Women’s Services, our medical professionals will help you figure out why your period is delayed and what steps to take to regulate it—or provide options in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.

Contact us today at (585)271-3850 to learn more about our OBGYN services in Rochester, NY, and make your first appointment!